
Yesterday, eu-LISA had the pleasure of receiving Wojciech Wiewiòrowski, the European Data Protection Supervisor. However, given the current pandemic-related restrictions across Europe, this was no ordinary encounter. This particular visit had to be held with the help of eu-LISA's video conferencing facilities.
After the opening remarks from eu-LISA's Executive Director, Krum Garkov and Mr Wiewiòrowski, the discussion focused on the state of play and evolution of the existing EU Large-Scale IT Systems for Security, Border Management and Migration: Eurodac, SIS and VIS with particular attention on related Data Protection aspects.
The latest achievements on the implementation of the new systems in eu-LISA's portfolio and their respective Interoperability were also covered. Details regarding the Agency's approach to addressing the measures set out in the EES and ETIAS specific Implementing Acts and Regulations were of particular interest. Mr Garkov stressed the importance of data protection for the Agency and how the principles of privacy by design and by default are followed during the entire lifecycle of the development of the new EU systems. A presentation on the accuracy of Biometrics and the implications for data protection and fundamental rights concluded the virtual meeting. Mr Wiewiòrowski explained that he is aware and conscious of all the relevant tasks and is open to an active cooperation with eu-LISA throughout the development of these new EU large-scale IT systems.
All parties appreciated the opportunity to introduce their views on the topics covered and agreed that the video conference was both fruitful and useful. Further bilateral meetings are expected to be organised.
Regular meetings with key stakeholders are always very productive and boost eu-LISA's constructive relations with EU Institutions and partners. Building strong connections is of utmost importance to the Agency and vital to the successfully delivery of Europe's new Justice and Home Affairs IT architecture.