
Today the UK authorities took the necessary steps to integrate into the Second Generation Schengen Information System (SIS), the largest tool supporting law enforcement cooperation in Europe. This afternoon the UK authorities uploaded their first alerts without any technical difficulties. Over the next few days they will also be performing their first queries to the system. This integration follows the decision of the Council of 10 February 2015 laying the ground for the accession of the UK to SIS.
To prepare the UK's integration to SIS at technical level, eu-LISA and the UK have cooperated closely since the end of 2013. From 1 March 2015 data-load activities were carried out to prepare the system for the go-live today (13 April 2015). In the coming weeks eu-LISA will carefully monitor the performance of the SIS Central System to ensure that the system maintains its performance following the successful accession of the new user.
The Executive Director of eu-LISA Krum Garkov expressed satisfaction with the successful completion of the process that lead to the UK's integration into SIS enhancing freedom of movement and security in Europe. He emphasised the importance of real time alerts available to relevant national authorities and the exchange of supplementary information to fight cross-border crime, ultimately keeping all citizens safe.
The UK is the 29th European country to integrate into the Second Generation Schengen Information System, which has been operational since April 2013 having succeeded the SIS I system established in 1995. SIS is the largest IT system in Europe used by Member States' police, border guards, migration, customs, vehicle registration and other authorities to combat crime. It contains alerts on persons and objects and allows further information sharing through exchange of forms through national SIRENE Bureaux.
The SIS II provides for sharing of 'alerts' on five main categories of persons or objects: persons wanted for arrest for surrender or extradition purposes (mainly linked to the European Arrest Warrant); missing persons; persons sought to assist with a judicial procedure; persons and objects subject to discreet or specific checks; and objects for seizure or use as evidence in criminal proceedings. SIS II does not provide for a basis for sharing criminal records or various other categories of criminal law data. The system provides real-time alerts and instructions to officers on the ground about action to take.
eu-LISA is responsible for running the SIS Central System and keeping it operational 24/7, allowing national authorities to constantly exchange and share information. eu-LISA is also responsible for implementing security measures, training national authorities on the technical use of the system, producing related statistics and reports as well as monitoring relevant research activities.
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