
An eu-LISA training course for Member States entitled “Classroom course: Technical use of VIS - Train the trainer” took place on 19-20 September at the Hotel Hilton in Strasbourg, France. The training was targeted at national administrators from the Member States that work with the VIS System. The aim of the training was to improve the general usage of the VIS System by providing detailed insights into VIS technical aspects.
Over the course of 2-days, the following topics were touched upon: VIS incident management, effective use of the VIS query function, VIS in operation with best practices from the Border Management System (BMS). VIS business including Data Quality and Mail as well as VIS evolution were also in the programme. Additionally, a ‘Train the Trainer’ session was offered, focusing on effective training methodologies that enable participants to spread the acquired knowledge further to their national peers.
Twenty-one trainees from 12 EU Member States took part in this training course. The course feedback demonstrates a high satisfaction rate. The average score given was 4.45 (out of 5) with an overall satisfaction rate of 89%.
One participant praised the trainers by saying: ‘It was a very analytical course. The trainers took detailed approaches to all topics, they were excellent presenters and established good contact with us.’
The course is part of the eu-LISA Member State training activities that are also organised for the other two large-scale IT systems entrusted to eu-LISA, namely Eurodac and the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II).