
Today eu-LISA hosts one of its main annual briefing for its key stakeholders -  the Justice and Home Affairs Counsellors of EU Member States and representatives of JHA Agencies.  The purpose of the meeting is to bring delegates up to speed on the results, progress and plans the Agency has achieved over the last year and set out for the near future. The briefing takes place in the Liaison Office of the Agency in Brussels.

Topics to be presented and discussed will include the state of play and evolution of the existing EU Large Scale IT Systems for Security, Border Management and Migration: Eurodac, SIS and VIS as well as the latest on the implementation of the new systems in eu-LISA's portfolio (ETIAS, EES and ECRIS-TCN) and their respective Interoperability. Further to these, achievements and milestones reached in 2019 highlight that all systems ran without major interruptions and were available for over 99% of the time. The concrete progress achieved by both the SIS Expert Group and the SIS recast Project Management Forum will be illustrated as will the initial work on the second AFIS phase.

In the afternoon an open discussion took place to identify areas in which eu-LISA can increase its contribution to Member States, look into the possibilities that innovation can bring in the context of Interoperability, the further digitalisation of the JHA domain and the Agency's part in the implementation of the new Pact on Migration and Asylum as well as its role in strengthening the Security Union.

"The aspiration of the Agency is to develop further our common capabilities, at central and at national level, to turn the data that we have into meaningful information. The next step, once we have reliable and comprehensive information, is to find the best way to take that information to the officers on the ground in order to enable them to make the right decisions" explained eu-LISA's Executive Director, Krum Garkov.

Annual meetings with key stakeholders are always very productive and boost eu-LISA's constructive relations with Member States and partners. Building strong connections is of utmost importance to the Agency and vital to the successfully delivery of Europe's new Justice and Home Affairs IT architecture on time.

Background about eu-LISA

The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) was established in 2011 in order to provide a long-term solution for the EU internal security and to support the implementation of asylum, migration and border management policies. Since then, eu-LISA has run Eurodac, SIS and VIS and has been providing Member State authorities with the expert training needed to help them with the constant exchange of information across Europe. Thanks to the trust eu-LISA has fostered over the years, we are now developing EES, ETIAS and ECRIS-TCN and ensuring interoperability between all six IT-systems, in order to take EU internal security and border management to the next level.

The headquarters of eu-LISA is in Tallinn, Estonia, whilst its operational centre is in Strasbourg, France. There is also a technical business continuity site based in Sankt Johann im Pongau, Austria and a Liaison Office in Brussels, Belgium.

Website: eu-LISA

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