
eu-LISA hosted its Annual Conference titled "The new information architecture as a driver for efficiency and effectiveness in internal security" on 16/10/2019. For the 6th consecutive year, the event took place in Tallinn, Estonia and witnessed an ever increasing participation rate. This conference, organised under the auspices of the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU, drew close to 220 attendees to address the future roles of both current and new IT systems and the overall information ecosystem being created for law enforcement and border management activities.

Keynote speakers included Krum Garkov, Executive Director of eu-LISA, Ilkka Salmi, Permanent Secretary to the Finnish Ministry of the Interior, Matthias Oel, Director for Borders, Interoperability and Innovation at the European Commission and Mart Helme, Estonian Minister of the Interior.

The Agency's enlarged mandate provides for the development of several new large-scale IT systems – the Entry-Exit System (EES), the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) and the European Criminal Records Information System for Third Country Nationals (ECRIS-TCN) – as well as the implementation of interoperability between them and the pre-existing eu-LISA managed large-scale IT systems. As the Agency embarks on the elaboration of this architecture, working closely with Members States, EU Agencies and the wider stakeholder community, it was a pleasure to see the level of support that eu-LISA has.

Topics covered in 4 highly interactive panel sessions included:

  • The impact of the new information architecture on internal security,
  • The effects of digitalisation on the collection and processing of data for law enforcement purposes,
  • How will the new information architecture support border and migration management?
  • Effects of digitalisation on data analytics and the use of artificial intelligence in the JHA domain.

Thank you to all participants for your contributions and insights. We look forward to seeing you again soon!