
Tomorrow, Sir Julian King, EU Commissioner for Security Union will visit the headquarters of the European Agency for the operation management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) in Tallinn.
The aim of the visit is to meet with the Executive Director of the Agency, Krum Garkov, and his staff. Discussions will focus on the important role of eu-LISA in facilitating the use of technologies to support internal security in Europe. Commissioner King plans on also meeting the staff of eu-LISA to exchange views on what it means for operational practitioners when Justice and Home Affairs issues are increasingly shifting from the physical to the virtual world and innovative technologies are crucial to appropriately deal with threats like cross-border crime, cyber-crime, radicalization and smuggling.
Commissioner King will be a keynote speaker at the eu-LISA annual conference "JHATech 2016" on 27 October in Tallinn. During his visit to Tallinn he will also meet Estonian authorities and politicians.
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