
On 3-5 November 2020, the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA), will host its next Industry Roundtable – "Data Quality and Interoperability: Addressing the Capability Gaps through Standardisation".
The event will take place online and participants will also have the option of contributing remotely, via a dedicated online platform.
Topics addressed
This year, the Industry Roundtable will precede the eu-LISA Annual Conference and will focus on the capability gaps related to the implementation of Interoperability of the Large-Scale IT Systems operated by eu-LISA, and in particular, on ensuring data quality through standardisation.
The new information architecture's ability to meet political objectives and operational benefits will largely depend on the quality of data fed into the systems. Requirements, as well as quality criteria for biometric data shall be extended across all large-scale IT systems included in the interoperability architecture, thus ensuring cross-platform compatibility of biometric data. This will be particularly important in the context of the implementation and use of the sBMS interoperability component
Challenges exist not only in the area of biometric, but also alphanumeric data quality, thus covering the entire scope of identity data. Whereas in the case of biometric data, standards already exist, for alphanumeric data such standards are not yet in place. Therefore, further work on the wider adoption and development of standards in both biometric and alphanumeric data is necessary.
The Roundtable will feature pioneering technologies, products and services provided by industry, showcasing them to the end-user community, experts representing relevant authorities from Member States and EU Institutions. The event will provide a forum for discussions on the recent technological and non-technological developments facilitating the improvement of biometric and alphanumeric data quality.
The following capability gaps will be the main focus points:
- Biometric data acquisition: addressing the challenges of data quality at the point of capture;
- Ensuring consistent data quality through measurement, evaluation and standardisation;
- Access to data: interoperability architecture and access to information on the ground;
- Biometric data-quality: acquisition of biometric data in challenging conditions;
- Alphanumeric data-quality: challenges and solutions for alphanumeric data quality.
Information on the agenda, how to register and Presenters is available on our dedicated website -