
On 10 April 2024, the European Parliament Plenary wrapped up its term’s legislative work in the field of migration and asylum with a debate on the outcome of negotiations over the Migration and Asylum Pact, with the Belgian Council Presidency and the European Commission.
The European Parliament voted in favour of the new rules on migration, allowing the EU to tackle complex issues with determination and ingenuity. This will ensure that the Union has strong and secure external borders, that people's rights are guaranteed, and that no EU country is left alone under pressure.
The Pact encompasses a new framework for a comprehensive asylum and migration policy based on solidarity, fair responsibility sharing, and updated rules on criteria and mechanisms to determine the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection (formerly known as the Dublin rules). Member states will be able to choose between relocating asylum applicants to their territory, making financial contributions or providing operational and technical support to member states under migratory pressure.
At the heart of this important initiative is the overhaul of Eurodac, led by eu-LISA. The improved Eurodac system is fundamental to the Pact and crucial for improved identity management and the smooth exchange of information. The upgraded Eurodac is essential for streamlining asylum procedures, supporting resettlement programmes and tracking irregular migration, all within strict data protection laws. Its integration into the Interoperability ecosystem will provide vital statistics to shape future policy, aiming at a holistic approach to migration.
eu-LISA is committed to delivering this state-of-the-art system on time, leading the technical dialogue with Member States and ensuring that they're well trained on the new platform. Success depends on a united EU effort, underlining the importance of cooperation and commitment.