
eu-LISA Training is pleased to announce that a new e-Learning module on Visa Information System (VIS) Essentials is now available on the Agency's Learning Management System. The Visa Information System, which supports the implementation of the common EU visa policy, allows Schengen States to exchange visa data. The online course is designed as an introduction to the system and its basic functionalities for authorised Member States representatives that come in touch with VIS professionally or are interested in a basic understanding of the system.

The VIS Essentials e-Learning module is the first training cycle of the profile-based approach, which splits IT Operators and SPoC/Service Desk profiles for VIS. According to Christina Mangiridou, Capability Building Officer at eu-LISA, "it is a ground-breaking moment in training for the VIS community. Not only is this the first fully-online activity prepared during the COVID pandemic, as an introduction to the system, it also provides a very good initial insight on the Biometric Matching System (BMS), preparing the ground for future Interoperability training. More online activities in this direction will follow."

The e-Learning module on VIS includes three videos on the topics of VIS Architecture and Data Quality Principles, Biometric Matching System (BMS), and VIS Mail and List of Authorities, with an overview of the VIS-BMS system, its architecture and functionalities. After completing the course, the attendee will be able to:

  • Comprehend the VIS architecture and its functionalities
  • Obtain an insight to correct data provided when working with VIS
  • Recognise BMS back-end system functionality and architecture
  • Understand the List of Authorities Functions and operations in VIS

Completing the VIS Essentials course is highly recommended prior to attending any of the profile-based courses.

The course is available, to authorised users, on eu-LISA's e-Learning Management System (LMS).

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