
A meeting with Justice and Home Affairs Counsellors was hosted by eu-LISA in its Liaison office in Brussels yesterday, 10 April 2018.
eu-LISA kicked-off the meeting by presenting the Agency's budget commitments followed by a presentation on basic facts and figures concerning the current Large-scale IT systems it runs. After that the 2018 priorities for the Agency were illustrated. The presentation highlighted eu-LISA's main challenges including the number of activities and projects that will run in parallel in the near future, resource issues and the capacity of the operational site in Strasbourg.
"eu-LISA should concentrate its efforts on efficiently running its core operations and on continuously increasing its contribution to Member States, thus enabling them to address the increasing demand from current and future challenges. To this end the Agency has set three main priorities: continuity of operations and evolution of existing IT systems; implementation of new initiatives; and strengthening the agility of eu-LISA as an organisation", said Krum Garkov, Executive Director of eu-LISA. He then concluded his presentation by saying "2018 will be a challenging and decisive year for eu-LISA. There will be a large number of developments that will set the stage for the future development of the Agency."
Last but not least, The JHA Counsellors were given an update on the state of play regarding the implementation of the Agency's latest projects: EES, ETIAS and Interoperability.
The meeting concluded with a Q&A session.