
eu-LISA, the European Commission and our fellow JHA agency CEPOL, delivered a joint training course for Member States, entitled "SIS II for SIRENE", on 19-20 October in Strasbourg, France. The aim of the course was to provide an overview of the ongoing collaboration and relations between eu-LISA and the Member States' SIRENE Bureaux. Over the course of two days, the following topics were covered: "SIS II legal base and background for SIRENE" – delivered by the representative of the European Commission; SIS II technical topics relevant for SIRENE; the escalation procedure for SIRENE; and the role of SIRENE in eu-LISA's Change Management procedure. The course included an open discussion focused on Data quality, during which Member States participants had the opportunity to present case studies and best practises/issues that they face at national level. In addition, the course participants were informed about effective training methodology concepts to facilitate cascading acquired knowledge to their peers back home.
The training session was attended by 26 SIRENE officers from 21 EU Member States and Switzerland. The course feedback shows a high satisfaction rate with an average score of 84%.
As expressed in an evaluation form by one course participant, "The training was well directed and balanced. The trainers showed an impressive knowledge of the topics. We also shared experiences and best practices, and had good networking possibilities."
This particular training course has been run in cooperation with the European Commission and CEPOL since 2015.