
Information exchange and interoperability of large scale IT systems in the area of European Union Home Affairs were the priority topics of the talks held between Executive Director Krum Garkov and Minister Andres Anvelt on 24 March in Tallinn.
At the meeting in the Estonian Ministry of the Interior the Executive Director of eu-LISA and the Estonian Minister of the Interior discussed the role of the Agency under its revised mandate, currently being negotiated at the institutional level. Krum Garkov elaborated on the 2017 operational priorities of eu-LISA emphasising that it is important for the Agency to efficiently manage both the evolution of the existing systems as well as the integration of new ones in line with their relevant legal basis.
Mr Garkov noted that the efficiency and added-value provided to citizens and businesses through the current digital transformation relies more than ever on available data and information. Therefore, information sharing and creating synergies between the policy domains in Justice and Home Affairs are of the utmost importance to the safety and security of Europe and beyond.
The Minister and the Executive Director also discussed the progress of the new headquarters building that will house eu-LISA in Tallinn. The expanded tasks of the Agency as well as the future systems to be managed have made the need for sufficient working space increasingly evident.