
On 23-24 November 2023, eu-LISA held in Madrid, Spain its first ever Justice-themed Industry Roundtable (IR) – "Digitalisation of Justice: Turning Challenges into Opportunities" – organised and delivered in collaboration with the Spanish Presidency of the Council of Europe. The aim of the IR was to build closer relationship with both Member State authorities and industry developing solutions for the digitalisation of justice by detailing the role and the contribution of eu-LISA in this area.
The first day of the event set the scene and centred around future policy and strategy in the European digitalisation of justice, the role of eu-LISA and Member State experiences.
In her opening keynote, Agnes Diallo, Executive Director of eu-LISA, highlighted "We aim to build closer relationships to foster real solutions in the digitalisation of justice. Solutions from industry to address needs & challenges. We want to tell you about the role and the contribution that eu-LISA is bringing to the table.
ECRIS-TCN, e-CODEX and JITs CP will bring tangible benefits to cross-border judicial cooperation for Member States, justice practitioners and ultimately, EU citizens. They will reinforce the values of security and justice across Europe."
The afternoon progressed with introductory remarks by Manuel Olmedo, Secretary General at the Spanish General Secretariat for Innovation and Quality of the Public Justice Service followed by Ana Gallego, Director-General for Justice and Consumers at the European commission (DG JUST). Recent EU policy was explained by DG JUST and eu-LISA illustrated eu-LISA's current role and ongoing activity within the field of digitalising justice in the EU. Day one concluded with presentations from Ireland, Portugal and Spain on current initiatives at Member State level.
Day two was dedicated to industry and giving them a platform to present practical solutions that address identified operational challenges within Member States' judicial practices and authorities.
Presentations were provided by selected industry stakeholders and covered a variety of approaches and potential solutions. Details regarding who (company and speaker) showcased can be found in the programme published on the dedicated Industry Roundtable website:
Whilst closing the last IR of 2023, after thanking all involved parties, Luca Tagliaretti, Deputy Executive Director at eu-LISA, stressed "This has been a great occasion for us to learn about some of the challenges you are facing when it comes to the digitalisation of justice and to discuss some of the possible solutions.
The challenges you are facing are similar to those, border and law enforcement authorities faced earlier and still face. However, I see that all together we are well on track in addressing them both at Member State and EU level. After all, it takes a network to fight a network!
Let me assure you, when it comes to cross-border judicial cooperation, eu-LISA stands ready to support you with our experience and expertise in developing and implementing reliable and scalable IT solutions."
Further details about the topics covered, as well as an executive summary, full report and photo gallery, will soon be available on the Industry Roundtable website.