
Today eu-LISA is attending the third high-level forum on the implementation of the new architecture of EU information systems for borders, migration and security, organised by the European Commission's DG Home. The Executive Director of eu-LISA, Krum GARKOV, provides an update on the work progress regarding the new IT systems EES and ETIAS as well as Interoperability.

Together with the EU Member States, Schengen associated countries, representatives of EU Institutions and EU Agencies acting in the area of justice and home affairs, eu-LISA will discuss the state of play of implementing the new IT architectures, in the context of the COVID-19 situation.

"Work with the new systems and interoperability is in progress thanks to very good cooperation with the Commission, the Member States and the other JHA Agencies, despite the effects of the COVID-19 crisis. eu-LISA works hard to adhere to their implementation timelines. However, this is possible only through the joint efforts of all stakeholders and their ability to follow the challenging implementation schedule.

We should also remember that these projects are not just big technical initiatives but are a substantial part of the EU's response to the demand of EU citizens for more efficient border management and stronger internal security." emphasised Krum GARKOV.

The initiative behind forums on the new IT architecture was launched by the European Commission's DG Home with the aim of ensuring coherent, transparent and mutually supportive joint EU implementation efforts as well as to establish a platform for regular meetings with all the stakeholders. This allows all participants to focus on the state and progress of preparations, understand and identify in a timely manner any problems and define solutions or support measures where needed.

Given the ongoing confinement measures across Europe, the current forum is being held using a videoconference facility.  


The Entry/Exit System is a new large-scale IT system currently being developed by eu-LISA to enable the recording of entry and exit of third country nationals (TCN) to and from the Schengen Area. The system aims at modernising and increasing automation at border controls, strengthening internal security and fighting terrorism and organised crime.

ETIAS is a new IT system for EU border management currently being developed by eu-LISA, which will improve the security and safety aspects of travelling to or through the Schengen Area. Once operational, ETIAS will require that all visa-exempt third country nationals planning to travel to the Schengen Area apply for pre-travel authorisation online.

Interoperability will address existing gaps in the JHA domain's information architecture. It is a part of the EU's response to the demands of citizens for a more efficient management of external borders and stronger internal security. Interoperability will bring improved access to information stored in EU information systems and identity management at an EU level.

The overall objective of these initiatives is to establish a new information architecture for border management and internal security in the EU, which will facilitate a more efficient management of the Union's external borders and stronger internal security.



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