
Today, we had the pleasure of hosting a delegation from the European Parliament in our Tallinn headquarters. Following a brief introduction, our Executive Director, Krum Garkov, illustrated the latest progress achieved by the Agency in the implementation of both the organisational restructuring and eu-LISA’s Annual Work Programme. The state of play regarding the evolution of Eurodac, SIS and VIS were discussed as were the ongoing developments related to the European Union's new large-scale IT systems for security, border management and migration, namely EES, ETIAS and ECRIS-TCN. The required Interoperability aspects that the Agency has been placed in charge of, that will allow for faster and more comprehensive access to information, were of particular interest to the delegation.
The meeting, which also covered budgetary and financial implications of the MFF 2021-2027 for the Agency and the ongoing expansion of the Strasbourg site was very productive for both parties and reinforced the existing spirit of collaboration between eu-LISA and the European Parliament.