
The 29th of September 2017 is an important date for Estonia. For the first time ever the Tallinn Digital Summit will take place and EU Heads of States will be in town to discuss the digital revolution of the 21st century and its impact on society. For eu-LISA, often referred to as the EU IT Agency, this day marks an important milestone on our way to our new headquarter offices on Vesilennuki Street, in Northern Tallinn. Although the timing of the two events is a coincidence, it is symbolic and proves that digital transformation, innovation and new technologies are of the highest importance to decision makers and the practitioners responsible for the safe and secure future of Europe.

The Estonian State Real Estate Ltd, in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of the Interior, has invited Tallinn's eu-LISA staff to attend a "breaking of the ground" ceremony and witness the placing of the cornerstone, which symbolically marks the beginning of the main construction works of the new head offices.

The Executive Director of eu-LISA Krum Garkov, the Estonian Minister of the Interior Andres Anvelt, the Mayor of the North Tallinn district and a Board Member of the Estonian State Real Estate Ltd, Tanel Tiits, welcomed the progress in the construction works and expressed their thanks to the builders. They also placed a time-capsule containing the eu-LISA flag, copies of the design documents of the building and a copy of the day's newspaper under the cornerstone. What archaeologists will make of all that one day remains to be seen!

The new headquarters of eu-LISA will become an additional seaside landmark in the famous Tallinn silhouette and are expected to be completed by next summer.



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