
The European Commission's seventh progress report on the headway made towards an effective and genuine Security Union, launched on 16 May, focuses on the ongoing work to improve information management for borders and security. Further to this, it sets out the Commission's new approach towards achieving the interoperability of EU information systems for security, border and migration management by 2020. The proposed approach would overcome the current weakness in the EU's data management architecture eliminating blind spots.
The EU Agency responsible for information system management, eu-LISA, would play a crucial role in providing technical expertise and bringing the work towards the interoperability of information systems forward. In order to allow eu-LISA to implement this new approach, the Commission will present a legislative proposal to strengthen the Agency's mandate in June 2017.
Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos said: "The value of our security information is maximised when our systems talk to each other. The complex and fragmented systems we have today make us vulnerable. Actionable information is not always available for the law enforcement officials that need it. Today, we present a clear vision on how to act to correct this. To connect the dots and to eliminate blind spots to step up the security of our citizens across the EU."
Commissioner for the Security Union Julian King said: "The recent tragic attacks in Europe have highlighted the importance of effective information sharing between Member State authorities. The approach we are outlining today sets out a targeted and intelligent way of using the existing data to best effect. What we propose would be a step-change in the way we manage data for security, helping national authorities better addressing transnational threats and detecting terrorists who act across borders."
According to the Executive Director of eu-LISA Krum Garkov eu-LISA has the knowledge and readiness to provide its expertise and fully contribute to achieving the objectives set out in the approach.
In April 2016, the Commission presented a Communication on stronger and smarter information systems for borders and security and launched the work of the High-Level Expert Group on Information Systems and Interoperability. The High-Level Expert Group delivered its final report on 11 May confirming the views expressed in the April 2016 Communication, and putting forward recommendations towards the interoperability of information systems. The seventh progress report of EC takes stock of the recommendations of the High-Level Expert Group, and proposes the way forward to address structural shortcomings under the three main areas:
- maximising the utility of existing information systems;
- where necessary, developing complementary systems to close information gaps; and
- ensuring interoperability between our systems.
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