
​The Estonian Parliament approved today with 49 votes the legislative act that allows for the building of the headquarter offices to the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice, eu-LISA. The first reading of the bill was completed on 11 February and with no amendments submitted by the deadline two days later the readings were concluded on 18 February.

"From the very first day of operations eu-LISA found a good home and support in Tallinn. I am pleased to see that now the Estonian Parliament took the final step and successfully concluded the ongoing dialogue between the Agency and the Government on the Headquarters Agreement. With this act further progress will be made to establish and build the permanent premises of eu-LISA, which is an important step towards the implementation of its long-term strategy," said the Executive Director of eu-LISA Krum GARKOV.

​The Estonian Minister of the Interior Hanno PEVKUR noted that the Estonian Government did everything required regarding eu-LISA and the Site Agreement was passed over to the parliament for ratification.

Krum GARKOV recalled that the Agency has signed Site Agreements with Austria and France respectively in 2013 and 2014.


The Site Agreement between eu-LISA and the Estonian Government was signed on 19 December 2014 in Tallinn and the agreement had to be ratified by the parliament since it implies financial obligations to be taken by the Estonian State.

Under the terms of the agreement, Estonia has undertaken to build and hand over offices for the Headquarter of the Agency. The offices should be ready by 2017.



​for media requests: Communication and Information Officer 

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