
This week, eu-LISA takes its first steps towards taking over the operational management of cross-border judicial tool e-CODEX, by organising the first meeting of the e-CODEX specific Advisory Group on 17 January 2023, and the first meeting of the e-CODEX Programme Management Board the following day.

The kick-off meeting for the actual handover from the e-CODEX consortium (comprised of several EU Member States, including Germany, Netherlands, Austria, France, Spain) is scheduled for 24 January 2023.

Considered the flagship project of EU e-Justice, e-CODEX – which stands for e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange – is a decentralised IT system that provides a secure solution for cross-border exchange of judiciary data, thus allowing all Member States to use a single interface to communicate with each other. Once part of the Agency's portfolio, e-CODEX will be a key building block in the further digitalisation of the justice domain.

"This is an important milestone for eu-LISA and for European judicial cooperation. For this project to be a success, we need a shared vision, strong cooperation and joint efforts among all stakeholders. Building on this partnership is essential for all of us and ultimately for the benefit of the EU citizens. I welcome you to this first e-CODEX Advisory Group meeting. We are delighted and honoured to work with the legal community. Please consider eu-LISA as your home", said eu-LISA Interim Executive Director Luca Tagliaretti.


eu-LISA's governance structure comprises a Management Board (MB), an Executive Director (ED) and Advisory Groups (AG). Advisory Groups are composed of experts from EU Member States, Schengen Associated Countries, the European Commission and other EU Agencies. Their role is to provide their respective Programme Management Board (PMB), and the eu-LISA Management Board, with technical expertise and advice regarding the evolution and further development of eu-LISA's large-scale IT systems.

During the handover and takeover process, the e-CODEX AG will meet regularly and report after each meeting to the e-CODEX Programme Management Board. The e-CODEX AG will involve relevant stakeholders and experts in its work, including members of the judiciary, legal practitioners and professional organisations, which are affected by, use, or participate in the e-CODEX system.

The key points on the meeting's agenda are the introduction of the Advisory Group members and the election of both a Chairperson and a Deputy Chairperson for the e-CODEX AG. The Advisory Group elected Florian Huiskamp from the Netherlands as Chairperson.

eu-LISA is set to take over responsibility for e-CODEX in the second semester of 2023, after the European Commission has declared the handover/ takeover process complete. The transfer of the system to the Agency is not however an end in itself, as very soon e-CODEX will be ready for further expansion and will require the introduction of new security and interoperability features. eu-LISA will be responsible, among others, for providing technical development, maintenance, bug fixing, updates and support, as well as the development of new features in order to respond to emerging requirements.

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