
Fifteen design concepts were submitted to the architectural concept competition to find the best architectural and functional solutions for the eu-LISA new headquarters. The winner will be announced this November at the latest.

The evaluation committee of the Estonian State Real Estate LtD will now review the design concept offers and thereafter the jury will evaluate the submitted bids.

The new building of eu-LISA headquarters must meet a number of architectural, environmental and building requirements, derived from the specifics of its location in Tallinn and the operational responsibilities of eu-LISA.

The new office will accommodate up to 100 employees, it will be built in Põhja-Tallinn, on Vesilennuki Street and it should be ready by the end of 2017.

The participation rate in this architectural concept competition can be considered above average as the recently launched architectural contest for Tallinn's new Courthouse received 10 contest entries, the architectural contest for the new building of the Estonian Academy of Arts received 10 offers and for the new National Archives of Estonia 10 design concepts were submitted.

The architectural concept competition was launched by the Estonian State Real Estate LtD in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of the Interior and the Estonian Union of Architects in July. The prize-fund for the concept is euro 30 000.

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