
In 2015, more than 1.2 million first time asylum seekers registered in Europe, more than double that of the previous year. A 58% increase in regular leisure and business travellers to Europe is anticipated in the next 10 years, meanwhile, with 300 million travellers set to enter Europe annually by 2025.
In the halls of Frankfurt, Brussels or Madrid airports, passengers transit through border checks using electronic gates. In Amsterdam and Stockholm, police on the beat check vehicle records using their mobile phones. Around the continent, incoming asylum seekers provide fingerprints to access European asylum processes. Europe's internal security is increasingly founded on modern technologies. Usage of innovative technologies is crucial to appropriately deal with the various threats faced, including terrorism, smuggling and cross-border crime, while enabling authorities to simultaneously cope with increasing flows of both regular and irregular travellers.
On 27th October, eu-LISA will host its annual conference, JHATech 2016, in Tallinn. Some 130 attendees are anticipated, representing EU and national authorities, practitioners, industry and academia. Together, they will examine the interplay between national and European information technologies and also assess research and development activities that might provide for new tools to enhance operations going forward. Opportunities to bring added value by making IT systems more interoperable will be particularly studied. The proposed European Entry/Exit System will also be discussed. This new system for the electronic registration of all entries and exits of third country nationals into Europe will, pending approval of the relevant legislation in the coming months, be developed by eu-LISA.
Krum Garkov, the Executive Director of eu-LISA noted that the main emphasis of this years's conference is on the individual technologies for law enforcement cooperation and IT tools to enhance border control through interoperability of the available means.
Online web-streaming will be provided during the day of the conference at and a twitter wall will be available to enable interactive participation from all locations (#JHATech2016.).
This is the third conference organised by the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) to highlight the capabilities that modern technology provides to combine stronger security with ease of travel and thereby enable more efficient external border management in Europe.
for media requests: press [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (press[at]eulisa[dot]europa[dot]eu)
for general information: info [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (info[at]eulisa[dot]europa[dot]eu)