
On 18th October, eu-LISA invites industry to participate in a roundtable event focussed on innovative ideas to ensure smooth and secure crossing of the EU's external green borders. In the coming years, the implementation of the Entry-Exit System (EES) and European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) will imply the introduction of new border crossing processes. At many borders, introduction of automated technologies such as e-gates and self-service kiosks will be possible to ensure facilitated travel, meaning that overall border crossing times may decrease despite the introduction of new requirements such as biometric enrolment and verification and the inclusion of additional database queries in the overall process. However, land borders present more significant challenges than most. Conclusion of future border checks for travellers in personal vehicles or travelling on buses and trains will surely require new technological solutions and perhaps reconfiguration of the overall process of checks.
eu-LISA, as the authority responsible for the development and implementation of the EES and ETIAS and as chair of the EES Advisory Group, has taken note of requests from EU Member State experts to consider the challenges of future border checks at land borders and coordinate collaborative analysis on possible future solutions. The Agency would like to convene industry responsible for development of relevant technologies and/or providing general expertise to authorities in border management processes to brainstorm or contribute to this initial brainstorming event. Member State experts belonging to the working group established by the Agency will also attend to support discussions along with representatives of other relevant EU Agencies.
The Agency requests interested parties to consider possible solutions that they would be in a position to discuss and to register their interest in participating by October 5th at the latest. We are particularly interested in demonstration of proposed technologies/prototypes that you may consider feasible based on your experience. Please note that we will not have the capacity for demonstration of large-scale physical infrastructure at the location, and therefore demonstration of such solutions through videos/slides is requested. Based on requirements identified by the working group and those known to the Agency and its partners through their work, the most promising proposals will be selected for presentation at the roundtable on the day.
Please complete your registration at the following link, and, should you wish to present, submit a maximum one page summary of your proposed presentation to research [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (research[at]eulisa[dot]europa[dot]eu). Further logistical information will be made available to participants following their registration.
In case of questions or further follow up, please do not hesitate to contact research [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (research[at]eulisa[dot]europa[dot]eu).