
Save the date for the next edition of the eu-LISA Industry Roundtable titled "Looking Ahead – Ensuring Cyber-Resilience of EU IT Systems against Emerging Threats".

The event will take place on 1 and 2 of June 2023 in Stockholm, in a hybrid format, allowing participants to choose the most suitable way for attending (physical or online).

Date: 1 and 2 June 2023

Place: Stockholm (Sweden) and online

The roundtable will focus on presenting and discussing new technology solutions, best practices, and frameworks developed and deployed by industry, Member States authorities and other relevant stakeholders to increase the digital security of IT Systems against existing and emerging cyber threats, in order to secure all information systems layers including people, applications, data, infrastructure, endpoints, identities and keys.

Moreover, it will also have a special focus on looking ahead for future potential problems in the area of cybersecurity and on new innovative solutions for these upcoming challenges.

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