
On 16 June 2022, eu-LISA will host its next Industry Roundtable.
The event will take place in Strasbourg as well as online, allowing for remote participation.
The 15th edition of the Industry Roundtable will focus on the application of biometric technologies in identity management and verification in the context of the large-scale IT systems operated by eu-LISA.
In preparation for the development and implementation of the Entry/Exit System (EES), in 2018, as mandated by the EES Programme Management Board, eu-LISA setup a Working Group on ICT Solutions for Member States with External Borders (sea/land). The Working Group reviewed existing processes at land and sea borders, in order to understand the impact the introduction of the EES at that level would have. On the basis of this, the Working Group defined requirements for ICT solutions to be used at border-crossing points (BCPs). The Working Group also made recommendations for the steps that Member State authorities and Frontex should take in order to refine processes at BCPs. In addition, the Biometric Working Group established by eu-LISA, discussed specific challenges for biometrics at borders, providing useful biometric technology related input. One of the main challenges identified for BCPs at land and sea borders was ensuring the acquisition of biometric data in the most optimal conditions possible in a particular environment, in order to ensure that the captured biometrics meet the quality requirements of the applicable legislation. These challenges were particularly acute in the case of border crossing by cars and lorries, as well as trains, where the conditions for capturing are not as controlled (insufficient lighting, extreme weather conditions and use of mobile devices) as at airports.
Three years have passed since an eu-LISA Industry Roundtable tackled these challenges. During this time, eu-LISA has made significant progress in the development of the EES, while Member State authorities have moved closer to the implementation of the EES and re-arranging BCPs. At the same time, industry has made significant advancement in the development of solutions and business processes to effectively support MS in the implementation of the EES.
With the introduction of the Interoperability Architecture, and in particular of its components responsible for identity management (i.e. shared Biometric Matching Service, Common Identity Repository, and Multiple Identity Detector), eu-LISA will effectively become a major identity management service provider for border, asylum and law enforcement authorities, handling identities from TCNs and EU nationals in the legal context defined by the respective regulations. On the one hand, this provides a strategic opportunity space for eu-LISA to become a major player in the identity management domain. On the other hand, this sets a certain level of expectations for eu-LISA as a service provider and centre of expertise in identity management.
Focus of the event
The first part of the Industry Roundtable will focus on the relevant business processes, technologies and equipment that facilitate processing of third country nationals crossing Schengen borders in the most efficient and effective way possible. In particular, industry presentations will focus on recent developments in biometric recognition devices that may be used in sub-optimal conditions (weather, lighting, movement) for passengers arriving at sea ports (including small ones), in private vehicles and lorries, as well as on moving trains. Industry presentations may address the challenges faced through both technological and process means.
The second part will focus on identity management as a service. Specifically, the following areas will be addressed: biometrics-based identity management; system interoperability in identity management; big data management and data management strategies in the context of identity management. Furthermore, this part of the roundtable may include presentations of novel approaches in identity management, including self-sovereign and decentralised identity.
Practical information
If your company is interested in presenting an innovative technology, product or service at the event, please sign up to participate using this dedicated form. Please note that one company can present only once; however, you are welcome to submit several proposals addressing different aspects of business processes, technologies and equipment used by the police and border management authorities (first part) or for identity management (second part).
Please specify which of the topics (biometric devices/processes or identity management) you would like to address in your presentation.
Please provide a brief description of your company and the solution/ technology you would like to present. Please note that the number of presentation slots is limited and submissions will be evaluated by eu-LISA experts. The selection of submitted proposals will be based on the relevance of the proposals to the topic of the event, their novelty and potential impact. eu-LISA will communicate the outcome of the selection procedure to all applicants.
In addition to a presentation at the main event, there will be a possibility to demonstrate your solution in a dedicated room. Please note that the number of demonstrations is limited to six (6). Companies choosing to demonstrate their solutions will have a basic booth set-up at their disposal (one desk, two chairs, extension cords for electricity, WiFi connection).
Any additional equipment necessary for the demonstration shall be provided by the company (e.g. standard roll-ups and LCD screens to be used for presentation purposes). Please note that the space will be available the day before the event to allow for preparations and installation of equipment. The Demo space will be accessible to participants at the event prior to the start as well as during coffee and lunch breaks.
- The Call for Expression of Interest is open until 12 April 2022.
- eu-LISA will review the proposals and inform the selected speakers by 13 May 2022.
- Draft agenda for the event will be published on 16 May 2022.
- The final programme will be made available on 2 June 2022.