
On 24 April 2019 eu-LISA (the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice) is hosting an Industry Roundtable entitled "Making EU land and sea border crossings seamless and secure - operational solutions" in Bucharest, Romania. The event is organised under the auspices of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The roundtable focuses on the work of the Member State Working Group on Land and Sea Borders convened under the Entry-Exit System (EES) Advisory Group and explorse the group's findings and proposals on how expedited crossings of vehicles and pedestrians can be managed. The event brings together more than 100 representatives of the global border management and security industry to discuss legislative requirements, processes and technologies.

The Member State Working Group has examined and reported on requirements for practical technological solutions that can be deployed at land and sea borders in a unified way (Download the Report). The solutions should ensure the fulfilment of all EES requirements, particularly those connected with the enrolment and use of biometrics, while taking into account the limited time available for border control. In this manner, the solutions should be consistent with those already managed by eu-LISA in that they support Member States to ensure security while boosting efficiency. 

"Today, for the 10th time, eu-LISA will facilitate a dialogue between the public sector and the industry. This round table comes at the right moment to contribute to the ongoing process of digitisation of border management. At the same time, considering the fast progress made towards implementation of EES, one thing is very clear - the time for theoretical discussions is over. Now we need practical and efficient solutions to enable seamless deployment of EES at land and sea borders of the EU. I believe that we will get lots of insights on them today.I am convinced also that the outcomes of discussions today, considering the huge work done by the Agency and the Member States to prepare this round table and the strong support from the Romanian Presidency, will contribute significantly to the successful implementation of EES", said Krum Garkov, Executive Director of eu-LISA.

Industry representatives will propose practical workflow solutions, outlining their views on how consultation of large-scale IT systems, biometric sample enrolment and verification as well as other necessary steps can be effectively accomplished.

On behalf of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Carmen Daniela Dan, Minister of Home Affairs,  states that "Today's event will bring together both practitioners from law enforcement, including IT&C experts, and industry representatives with the aim of finding feasible solutions to the challenges that must be dealt with at the external borders. With the increasing mobility of persons and goods when emerging threats such as terrorism and organised crime are part of everyday life, we need to ensure the right balance between open and easy to cross, while at the same time secured and controlled borders. Law enforcement authorities must be provided with the necessary tools to prevent and combat all threats, to cope with any challenges that may arise, including through adequate IT&C solutions that are essential in ensuring effective border and migration management."

Presenters and speakers will include the European Commission, DG Migration and Home Affairs, the Chairperson of the EES Advisory Group as well as representatives of companies IN Groupe, IDEMIA, SITA, Secunet, Deloitte and Vancouver International Airport.

Background about eu-LISA

The European Union Agency eu-LISA, established in 2011, manages large-scale information systems in the area of freedom, security and justice. It currently operates three large-scale systems, namely Eurodac, the Schengen Information System (SIS) and the Visa Information System (VIS), ensuring optimal service to end users and continuously evolving the systems to meet new needs. The Agency therewith supports the implementation of the EU's border management, migration and internal security policies. 

The Agency is currently planning technical solutions to bring the systems towards interoperability with the final adoption of the legal basis expected in the near future. This means that authorised users such as police officers, migration officials and border guards will have faster, seamless and more systematic access to the information they need to do their jobs.

eu-LISA has also been entrusted to develop  and  subsequently manage The European Entry Exit System (EES) and the European Travel Information Authorisation System (ETIAS). Both systems will also be integrated into the interoperability framework as will the European Criminal Records Information System – Third Country Nationals (ECRIS-TCN) once the respective legislation is completed.

eu-LISA Industry Roundtables and Workshops

The Agency has a proud history of hosting and running events targeted at industry that have focused mainly on solutions and proposals aimed at facilitating and advancing the technical aspects of eu-LISA's core business. Starting in 2014 with close to 50 participants, this bi-annual event has grown both in size and scope over the years with more than 100 industry, national ministry and law enforcement representatives registered for the current edition. 

Roundtable website:   

WG Report:



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