
This year the traditional eu-LISA discussion forum with industry takes a closer look at the capability gaps related to the implementation of interoperability of the large-scale IT systems operated by the Agency, and in particular, on ensuring data quality through standardisation.
eu-LISA will host "Data Quality and Interoperability: Addressing the Capability Gaps through Standardisation" fully online across three consecutive afternoons on 3-5 November 2020.
Once deployed, the ability of the new inteoperability architecture to deliver the anticipated political objectives and related operational benefits will depend largely on the quality of the data fed into the systems, and the timely access to the information extracted from that data. The focus of the sessions will therefore be on the quality of data and common standards, solutions to addess the capability gaps present at Member State level and the challenges of capturing quality biometric data in non-optimal conditions.
The Roundtable will feature pioneering technologies, products and services provided by industry, showcased to the end-user community and experts representing relevant authorities from Member States and EU Institutions.
Similar to the previous eleven Roundtables with Industry, which eu-LISA has organised since 2014, the event will provide a forum for discussions on recent technological and non-technological developments that facilitate the improvement of biometric and alphanumeric data quality.
Attendees will see Keynote Adresses by Prof. Christoph Busch, Chair of the Norwegian Biometrics Lab and Dr Javier Galbally, Scientific/Technical Officer at the European Joint Research Centre as well as presentations from a wide range of pertinent industry experts. A full list of companies taking part in the event as well as the programme and details about previous events can be found on the dedicated Industry Roundtable website:
With registered participants representing 39 countries and 181 different organisations, the event is expected to be the biggest of its kind hosted by eu-LISA to date. The three foreseen panels have each attracted more than 300 registrations which will surely stimulate interesting debates and top quality food for thought.
eu-LISA Industry Roundtables
The Agency has a proud history of hosting and running events targeted at industry that have focused mainly on solutions and proposals aimed at facilitating and advancing the technical aspects of eu-LISA's core business since 2014. The 2020 Industry Rountable, affected by COVID-19 related restrictions, takes place entirely online for the very first time. This will however not stop participants from having the possibility to engage remotely and contribute to the discussions interactively.
Industry Roundtable website:
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