
Today eu-LISA celebrates its renovated site in Strasbourg with an inauguration event to thank those who provided the Agency with a modern working environment. Representatives from the French government, eu-LISA's governing bodies, EU institutions, EU Agencies, the local government, as well as eu-LISA's staff will take part in the festive event at 18 rue de la Faisanderie.

Executive Director Krum Garkov said: "Today sets a landmark for eu-LISA activities that are at the heart of the EU's internal security policies. This is where the Agency manages its large-scale IT systems that help safeguard, amongst others, Europe's borders. When the first building was built on these premises back in the 1990s, it could accommodate roughly 40 people. Now, we can say we are close to handling the ever growing need for specialists in the field, as the site is now sized for up to 5 times that capacity. It was not an easy task to get where we are today, but the hard work and dedication of all those involved has paid off".

