
On 16 October 2019 the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) will host the conference "The new information architecture as a driver for efficiency and effectiveness in internal security" in Tallinn, Estonia. The event is organised under the auspices of the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU. The conference, first of its kind since the Agency's new Regulation, will address the future roles of both current and new IT systems and the overall information ecosystem being created on law enforcement and border management activities. The conference will bring together over 200 delegates representing Member States, EU institutions and agencies, practitioners and industry.
The Agency's enlarged mandate provides for the development of several new large-scale IT systems – the Entry-Exit System (EES), the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) and the European Criminal Records Information System for Third Country Nationals (ECRIS-TCN) – as well as the implementation of interoperability between them and the pre-existing eu-LISA managed large-scale IT systems. Together, the new capabilities offered and the new approach to data organisation and information provision constitute a new information architecture at an EU level. As the Agency embarks on the elaboration of this architecture, working closely with Members States, EU Agencies and the wider stakeholder community, the time is right to reflect on how work can be best carried out and to define desirable milestones and outcomes that best fulfil the set goals of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of internal-security related efforts.
"Interoperability is a political and senior level commitment to ensure that our services work together and complement each other to address EU citizen concerns on internal security, migration and the management of external borders. It`s time to bring down artificial silos and change the way law enforcement officers, border guards and migration officers work and cooperate. Some time ago Winston Churchill said 'a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, while an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty'. The implementation of interoperability is not an easy task. But I am an optimist and firmly believe that it provides us with an opportunity to make Europe stronger and safer" states Krum Garkov, eu-LISA's Executive Director.
Keynote speakers also include Ilkka Salmi, Permanent Secretary to the Finnish Ministry of the Interior, Matthias Oel, Director for Borders, Interoperability and Innovation, DG HOME, European Commission and Mart Helme, Estonian Minister of the Interior. Experts from EU Agencies as well as from the public and private sectors from Europe and beyond, will share their knowledge and expertise.
"Europe's security functions require interoperable information systems. It is important to secure the legal framework and funding with the support of the Commission to the Member States," says Mr Ilkka Salmi, Permanent Secretary to the Finnish Ministry of the Interior.
Online web-streaming will be provided during the conference at and a Twitter-wall will be available to enable interactive participation from all locations.
Conference website:
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