
On 13 October 2022, eu-LISA will host its Annual Conference "10 years as the Digital Heart of Schengen" to mark the Agency's 10th anniversary. Organised in cooperation with the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the event will be held in Tallinn, Estonia and can be followed simultaneously online. The conference will also symbolically mark the end of the Agency's long-serving Executive Director's term of office in October 2022.
For the past decade, eu-LISA has been working around the clock on the digital transformation of border and migration management systems, to ensure a safe and secure Europe for all its citizens. The next decade will be about rolling out improvements to the existing systems, working on new ones and tying it all together - the full digitalisation of the European Justice and Home Affairs domain.
The Agency, which was originally established mostly as a technical agency, with the aim of taking over the operational management of the three already existing large-scale IT systems, has grown to become the EU Digital Agency, playing a crucial role in the implementation of EU policies in the Home Affairs and Justice domains, according to its Executive Director Krum Garkov.
The speaker line-up of the eu-LISA Anniversary Conference includes high-level representatives from EU institutions and Agencies as well as from International Organisations and EU Member States. Among the distinguished speakers, eu-LISA is pleased to welcome Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President of the European Commission, Ylva Johansson, Commissioner for Home Affairs, Vít Rakušan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic representing the Czech Presidency, and Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Chairman of the European Parliament LIBE Committee.
The Anniversary Conference will focus on eu-LISA's key contribution to the modernisation and digitalisation of the EU's border and migration management. The debate will focus on the growing importance of the existing systems, paving the way for the development of new systems to meet the increasing needs of Member States and EU citizens.
The year 2023 marks an important milestone in the completion of the Smart Borders vision. The new EU Justice and Home Affairs IT systems: Entry/Exit System (EES), the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) and the European Criminal Records Information System-Third Country Nationals (ECRIS-TCN) will become operational. These systems, supported by related interoperability components are a step further in the development of the EU's internal security ecosystem.
Innovation and evolving technologies are in the core of eu-LISA future. eu-LISA not only keeps up-to-date with the technological tools and solutions available, but offers also its expertise and support to address the future of the Schengen Area. The conference will address questions as related to the evolution of border management tasks to be automated or delegated to the artificial intelligence in the future.
The Anniversary Conference, which paves the way for eu-LISA into its next decade, will be concluded by Luca Tagliaretti, Deputy Executive Director of eu-LISA.
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