
On Tuesday 24 November 2020, the Management Board of eu-LISA holds its 25th meeting. It is now the 3rd time that the Board's meeting is held fully online due to the special working arrangements adopted due to COVID-19 related restrictions.
The Board will adopt the Agency's Single Programming Document for 2021 to 2023, outlining all the programme - and project-based activities that eu-LISA is to perform to meet its strategic goals.
Two days prior the eu-LISA Annual Conference on interoperability and digital resilience, the Board will focus on several aspects of the Interoperability Programme, one of the Agency's key priorities, and discuss progress in the Member States as well as the updated schedule, impacted by the COVID-19 pandemics, for the development of the new systems .
The Board will also get an overview of the effects of the pandemics on the Agency's activities and a status update on eu-LISA's re-entry plan, regarding its staff working at the Agency's different geographic locations across Europe.
eu-LISA is well on track with all the tasks and responsibilities related to building the new IT architecture for the justice and home affairs domain and this is one of the main messages given at the meeting of the principle stakeholders of eu-LISA.
About eu-LISA's Management Board
The MB is the highest governance body of the Agency and is composed of one representative from each participating Member State and two European Commission representatives. The board has regularly convened since March 2012 to monitor the progress of the establishment of the Agency and ensure high-level performance.
About eu-LISA
The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) was established in 2011 in order to provide a long-term solution for EU internal security and to support the implementation of asylum, migration and border management policies. Since then, eu-LISA has run Eurodac, SIS and VIS and has been providing Member State authorities with the expert training needed to help them with the constant exchange of information across Europe. Thanks to the trust eu-LISA has fostered over the years, we are now developing EES, ETIAS and ECRIS-TCN and ensuring interoperability between all six IT-systems, in order to take EU internal security and border management to the next level.
The headquarters of eu-LISA are in Tallinn, Estonia, whilst its operational centre is in Strasbourg, France. The Agency also has a technical business continuity site based in Sankt Johann im Pongau, Austria and a Liaison Office in Brussels, Belgium.
Website: eu-LISA
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Contact: press [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (press[at]eulisa[dot]europa[dot]eu)