The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and the European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) have signed today a working arrangement to strengthen the cooperation between both agencies active in the area of Justice and Home Affairs.
Today, Dr Robert K. Visser, EASO Executive Director, and Mr Krum Garkov, eu-LISA Executive Director, have signed a working arrangement which defines areas and objectives of cooperation between EASO and eu-LISA. In line with their mandates, the working arrangement aims at establishing a more structured cooperation framework on relevant areas of common work, creating synergies and fostering coherence between the different actions pursued by EASO and eu-LISA.
The main areas of cooperation include exchange of information and statistics; collaboration in ICT related matters, such as providing assistance and expertise; training provided to Member States, including development of training material and delivery of training, including e-learning; strategic and administrative matters; as well as other areas identified as mutually important.
Dr Robert K. Visser, EASO Executive Director, held that “the working arrangement sets out a structured framework for future cooperation between the two agencies working in the area of Justice and Home Affairs. Such cooperation will bring added value and foster coherence between the different actions of our agencies. I look forward to putting this agreement into practice and continue working together with eu-LISA towards strengthening and further developing the Common European Asylum System”.
Mr Krum Garkov, eu-LISA Executive Director gave the following comment “I am very happy that EASO has become our partner in the field of our common interests. Signing a formal working arrangement between eu-LISA and EASO will provide our agencies with a solid basis for cooperation in the areas that range from exchange of information on asylum related matters to operational support and expert assistance. The experiences and knowledge we have in ICT, training, as well as strategic and administrative matters should be shared on a regular basis and through this provide for clear added value”