
During a two-day visit to Tallinn, Estonia, Vĕra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality met with the Executive Director of eu-LISA Krum Garkov. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the evolving role of the large-scale IT systems in contributing to safety and security in Europe and the expansion of the contribution of the Agency to the justice area.

Commissioner Jourová and Mr Garkov discussed the impact of transformations in the area of EU freedom, security and justice, which has become increasingly reliant on modern technologies and information sharing. The Agency has managed to gradually increase its project portfolio from 10+ to 30+ projects on an annual basis, all management and systems evolution related. The Executive Director noted that eu-LISA has become recognised as a successful and reliable contributor to the implementation of Justice and Home Affairs policies and receives broad representation in the relevant working parties and committees in the Council and the European Parliament.

Mr Garkov emphasised that digital transformation is ongoing in the entire EU public sector, affecting also the justice area. Innovation, digital transformation and information technology increasingly affect the way we manage EU justice and home affairs. The knowledge, experiences and capabilities that the Agency has already developed are based on acknowledged industry standards and hence they are neutral within the domains in which they are used and can therefore also be used in the justice domain. eu-LISA could assume operational management and the evolution of collaborative platforms for exchange of juridical information between the Member States. Since eu-LISA is the Agency that has a role in both EU values and modern technologies, the importance of eu-LISA for Member States and for the EU as a whole will continue to grow. The Commissioner and the Executive Director also exchanged views on the role the Agency will have after the revision of its mandate.

Commissioner Jourova also took time to meet and speak to the staff of eu-LISA, with the offices in Strasbourg and Brussels connected via video conference.


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