
The annual Member State National Contact Points (NCP) Network meeting for training related activities took place on 4 November 2019 at the eu-LISA headquarters in Tallinn, Estonia.
Twenty-three NCP representatives from 19 EU Member States, including a representative from the European Asylum Support Office (EASO), participated in the event.
The eu-LISA training team provided updates regarding the current state of play on the implementation of the general training plan and training related activities for 2019, the development of training curricula for EES and ETIAS, as well as results of the newly applied target group approach.
The outcome of the Training Needs Analysis exercise for 2020 was discussed in systems-related workshops and will be summarised in the updated eu-LISA training curricula and in the eu-LISA Training Plan for 2020. The NCP representatives provided valuable input for the developing the upcoming curriculum and improving the quality of training courses the Agency will provide in the years to come.