8 items

  • Interoperability Advisory Group

    The Interoperability Advisory Group meets regularly since January 2020. It reports after each meeting to the Interoperability Programme Management Board. The Advisory Group is composed of national project managers of all 27 European Union member states and a representative of the European Commission, with the four associated countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) an the EU Agencies Eurojust, Europol and

  • e-CODEX Advisory Group

    eu-LISA has established the e-CODEX Advisory Group to provide eu-LISA with the necessary expertise related to the e-CODEX system, in particular in the context of the preparation of its annual work programme and its activity report. The Advisory Group also provides the e-CODEX Programme Management Board and eu-LISA's Management Board with relevant technical expertise to support their tasks and follow

  • JITs CP Advisory Group

    eu-LISA has established the Joint Investigation Teams Collaboration Platform (JITs CP) Advisory Group to provide eu-LISA with the necessary expertise related to the JITs Collaboration Platform, in particular in the context of the preparation of its annual work programme and its activity report. The Advisory Group also provides the JITs CP Programme Management Board and eu-LISA's Management Board with relevant

  • ECRIS-TCN Advisory Group

    eu-LISA has established the ECRIS-TCN Advisory Group to build expertise related to ECRIS-TCN and the ECRIS reference implementation, in particular in the context of preparation of its annual work programme and its annual activity report. The Advisory Group also provides the ECRIS-TCN Programme Management Board and eu-LISA's Management Board with relevant technical expertise to support their tasks and follows-up on

  • EES-ETIAS Advisory Group

    The EES-ETIAS Advisory Group meets regularly and will convene until the entry into operations of ETIAS. It reports after each meeting to the Programme Management Board. The Advisory Group is composed of national project managers and chaired by eu-LISA. It provides technical expertise to support the tasks of the Programme Management Board and follows-up on the state of preparation of

  • Eurodac Advisory Group

    The Eurodac Advisory Group is composed of experts from the Member States, Associated Countries (Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein) and a representative of the European Commission. ​ Its role is to provide the Management Board with relevant technical expert advice as well as support on various technical issues relating to the evolution and further development of existing systems. Specifically, the

  • SIS Advisory Group

    This group is composed of experts from the Member States, Associated Countries (Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) and representatives from the European Commission, Eurojust, Europol and Frontex. Its role is to provide the Management Board with relevant technical expert advice as well as support on various technical issues relating to the evolution and further development of existing systems. Specifically, the

  • VIS Advisory Group

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The VIS Advisory Group is composed of experts from the Member States, Associated Countries (Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein), a representative of the European Commission and EUROPOL. Its role is to provide the Management Board with relevant technical expert advice as well as support on various technical issues relating to the evolution and further development of existing systems. Specifically, the