
The area of freedom, security and justice has gone through a significant transformation in recent years. While, as a consequence of irregular migration and terrorist threats, the pressure on it has significantly increased, at the same time it has become highly reliant on modern technologies and information sharing.
In this challenging and demanding environment, eu-LISA’s role in the area of freedom, security and justice becomes more and more prominent. In particular, the Agency must look into the continuous development and adaptation of the systems it operates and of new systems entrusted to it.
The intention of this document is to serve as a basis for decisions on financing the Agency, to provide information to eu-LISA’s stakeholders on its 2018 activities and resource distribution, and to give a general overview for 2019 and 2020.
For 2018-2020, the Agency has set three high-priority areas:
- Operational management and evolution of the existing systems
- Introduction of new systems
- Organisational reinforcement and development